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Goals101 bags TiE Lumis Entrepreneurial Excellence Award 2018

Quảng cáo
Mumbai, December 7, 2018: Goals101 Data Solutions, India’s leading Fintech & Big Data Technology company has won the TiE Lumis Entrepreneurial Excellence Award 2018, presented at the TiE Global Summit organized on 29th November in Delhi.
Visham Sikand, MD and Co-Founder, Goals101, who also won this award with one of his previous ventures said, ‘All of us at Goals101 have worked really hard to reach where we are. This award is a clear reflection of the dedication of the team and makes us want to aim even higher and get there faster. We hope to build on our success and achieve great things by persevering to build innovative and relevant solutions consistently.’
Commenting on the win, Milan Naik, CEO and Co-Founder, Goals101 said, ‘We are absolutely thrilled to win the TiE Lumis Excellence Award. Not only is it one of the most prestigious wins but this one is from our peers which makes it extra special. We are encouraged to continue our efforts in delivering automated and personalized solutions and keep adding value to our customers.’
This year was the 12th season of TiE Lumis Entrepreneurial Excellence Awards which were introduced in 2008 by TiE Delhi-NCR and Lumis Partners. The Award recognizes young companies that are ambitious, cutting-edge, pioneering and have the potential to transform into leading organizations of the future.
Anupam Bhat, Group CFO & Co-Founder, Goals101 said, ‘This award is a testimony to the efforts and entrepreneurial drive of the Goals101 team. Our team has put in immense hard work along with skill and knowledge to build a highly intelligent and scalable platform that is revolutionizing customer interactions for Retail Banks. We share this with everyone at Goals101.’
Goals101, a Nexus Venture Partners funded company, has recently announced their expansion to Qatar, UAE, Africa and is expected to be one of the fastest companies in the start-up world to make profits in each of the countries it operates in.
About Goals101
Goals101 Data Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (Goals101) is a Big Data and Fin-Technology Company with the mission to make every Bank’s customer interaction “Personalized, Automated & Delightful”. With deep understanding of Big Data using AI and their 360-degrees solution approach, Goals101’s proprietary ‘Alpha Platform’ has already garnered 21 leading banks in Asia as clients. The Alpha platform is a highly intelligent and scalable solution that sanitizes, interprets and analyses data to deliver actionable insights & outcomes in real time, solving for multiple use cases.

For more information, visit Goals101’s web site at www.goals101.in
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