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Investment banker Sujaya Moghepadhye of Jaya Foundation presented 'Sneh' to support women & children suffering from cancer Scintillating aerial dance show ‘Love is in the Air’ by Sumeet Nagdev Dance Arts

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Mumbai, 10, December 2018: Investment banker Sujaya Moghepadhye also co-founder of Jaya Foundation presented 'Sneh' – an initiative featuring 'Love is in the Air' aerial dance performance by Sumeet Nagdev Dance Arts to support women and children suffering from the deadly disease cancer. Incidentally, the show was special as it was on the eve of artistic director Sumeet Nagdev’s birthday (on 8th December) and his performers - 12 of them with principal artistes Reshma Sharma, Neeraj Lohni and Manik Paul and the youngest of them all Sara Shah - made it really special.  
Jaya Foundation is an institution that provides aid, care and assistance and creates awareness on cancer. Funds raised will be used to facilitate treatment of women/ kids who are suffering from cancer but due to lack of adequate funds are deprived of proper treatment.
Sujaya Moghepadhye of Jaya Foundation says, "Every day we observe anomalies in our society and wish for betterment, yet again somewhere in our busy minds, we do nothing else but 'keep wishing‘. If our society and the world at large should get any better, we have to 'wish' less and 'do' more. With this thought, we, a group of ‘busy’ individuals have come together to do something which is the purpose of everyone’s lives which we know but don’t acknowledge i.e to bring back smiles on the faces of those deprived and underserved, to serve those who for no fault of their own have got affected by a deadly disease; Cancer.  Jaya Foundation is an NGO serving patients battling cancer."
Sumeet Nagdev, Artistic Director of Sumeet Nagdev Dancer Arts (SNDA), said, "Our country suffers from many issues, but some issues can't be easily resolved and some can be. The only factor that stops these issues is funding. As a dance organization we love to inspire people and take them into a dream world. Having being able to do that we do feel that everyone deserves to dream, especially children. Jaya Foundation's initiatives have always been inspiring to us and we couldn't have been happier to support it. The audience at Sneh that was there to support cancer affected underprivileged children and women was very appreciative and gave our performance a standing ovation resulting them to be inspired even further. My organization will always be committed to such causes and will always be happy to associate with Jaya Foundation's initiatives. Kudos to the founder Sujaya for realizing this need and doing something about it."
‘Love is in the air’ is an aerial contemporary dance production by the SNDA, an internationally acclaimed performance worth experiencing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PptqOD_Zsz0
Sneh was held in association with Muthoot Microfin, presented by Mahindra Insurance Brokers, and supported by L&L Partners, Bikhaji Foods International Ltd. and Anmol Industries Ltd.   
An investment banker by profession, Sujaya Moghepadhye adopted Gandhian principles of service to nation due to a personal tragedy. “My mom fought the cancer battle till her last breath and she passed away six months after being diagnosed with it. We have seen the pain, agony, helplessness and after effects of chemotherapy. It’s an emotional battle too – pretending in front of the patient that everything is fine and then crying in corners. While going to the hospital with my mother, I saw lot of kids suffering. The disease is painful and resources are scant. I learnt that children have higher chances of survival if cancer is detected early. However, many children from underprivileged sections of society don’t have adequate resources for pre- and post-treatment. So along with friends, I decided to do something and started a movement. Even amongst friends, I realized that everyone has certain tragedies in their family and wanted to join hands.”
Added Sujaya Moghepadhye of Jaya Foundation, “Jaya Foundation is a non profit making foundation and created to support cancer victims and their families! Seeing young ones in the terrible pain of cancer is difficult for anybody. We come together as a group of people, do an event and raise funds for supporting young cancer victims. Many people came forward and connected to the cause."
Sujaya joined hands with some of her friends and colleagues to organize the very first event of Jaya Foundation - ‘ *Nanhee* ’, catering to the children suffering from Cancer which received an overwhelming response from individual donors as well as corporates, who connected to the cause, which allowed us to contribute *Rs. 1 million* for the cause and make an *impact* to the *lives* of around *10 children* battling cancer with *prosthesis* *procedures* (artificial knee's and joint replacement procedure) over and above other support which they were able to lend. They also organised fun activities for children and their families battling cancer with an intention to get back their smiles.
Inspite of Nanhee - being the first event - they received enormous support from individual donors and corporate who supported the cause and made a difference in the lives of those children. With same zest they came up with their second project - *Sneh*. This is an initiative to help the so called weaker section of the society: *Women* *and Children*, battling cancer.
Join us in bringing the change and be the change you wish to see in the world. We urge you to associate with Jaya Foundation to make an *Impactful Difference* in the lives of the needy and under served.
☺❤ chia sẻ ủng hộ admin ❤☺


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