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Karan Singh retain IBVVMM crown; Shankar Man Thapa, Prajakta win HM

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Pic Caption 1: Defending champion Karan Singh of the Army retained the Men's Full Marathon crown, in the Indiabulls Homes Loans Vasai Virar Mayors Marathon, which was flagged off from the New Viva College, Virar on Sunday.  

Virar, 9th Dec, 2018: Defending champion Karan Singh of the Army retained the Men's Full Marathon crown, cutting two minutes and seven seconds from his last years’ time, in the Indiabulls Homes Loans Vasai Virar Mayors Marathon, which was flagged off from the New Viva College, Virar on Sunday.
With the cool conditions favoring the runners, the race took off at a fast pace with Lalji Yadav leading a tight bunch of eight athletes till the halfway point. Karan picked up the pace after the 25km mark to break free from the bunch and breasted the tape in 2:22.17, 41 seconds ahead of Lalji Yadav (2:22.58) and 2013 champion Sanvroo Yadav, who stopped the clock in 2:24.04.
The Men's Half Marathon was won by another Armyman Shankar Man Thapa in 1:05.48, improving on his third position from last which saw him finish in 1:0728. He led hom Durga Bahadur Singh (1:06.04) and Govind Singh (1:06.04).
The women's half marathon was won by Prajakta Godbole in a time of 1:18.56, ahead of Manju Yadav (1:19.30) and Aarti Patil 1:19.50.
Karan Singh was richer by Rs 2.5 lakhs, while the men's and women's half marathon winners took home Rs 1.25 lakh each.
A total of 18000 plus participants ran in the different races, which were flagged off from three venues.
full marathon male: Karan Singh 2:22:17, Laljee Yadav 2:22:58, Sanvroo Yadav 2:23:04, Ashish Kumar 2:23:35, Sanjith Luwang 2:25:07
Half Marathon men: Shankar Man Thapa 1:05:48, Durga Bahadur Singh 1:06:04, Govind Singh 1:06:04, Balliappa A B 1:07:13, Rahul Pal 1:07:14
Half Marathon women: Prajakta godbole 1:18:56, Manju yadav 1:19:30
☺❤ chia sẻ ủng hộ admin ❤☺


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